Together for Biodiversity
Urban Ecology and Social Forestry - UESFOR
Archaeogenetics - ARCHGEN
Bioinformatics - BIOINFORMATICS
Ecogenomics - ECOGEN
Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics - EVOLGEN
Genomics of Evolutionary Change - EVOCHANGE
Plant Biology - PLANTBIO
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - M&ID
Animal Sociality - SOCIALITY
Avian Ecology - AVE
Bat Ecology - BATECO
Biodiversity and Islands - BIOISLE
Biodiversity of Deserts and Arid Regions - BIODESERTS
Biogeography and Evolution - BIOEVOL
Conservation Genetics and Wildlife Management - CONGEN
Ecology and Evolution of Aquatic Organisms - AGE
Functional Biodiversity - FBIO
Phenotypic Evolution - PHENEVOL
Theoretical Ecology and Biodiversity Modelling - THEOECO
Tropical Biology - TROPBIO
Applied Ecology - APPLECOL
Biodiversity in Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems - AGRODIV
Environmental Archaeology - ENVARCH
Fire Ecology - FIRECOL
Forest and Wildlife Ecology and Management - FORWILD
Landscape Planning, Design and Management - LPDM
Plant-animal interactions - PAI
Predicting and Managing Ecological Change - ECOCHANGE
Applied Phylogenetics - AP
Immunity and Emerging Diseases - IMED
Livestock Genomics and Conservation - AGRIGENOMICS
Microbial Diversity and Evolution - MDE
Behavioural Ecology - BE
What is InBIO?
InBIO's objectives
Commitment to biodiversity
The importance of biodiversity research
Taking matters into our own hands
Focus Areas
Evolution, Genetics & Genomics
Biodiversity, Ecology & Conservation
Sustainability, Ecosystems & the Environment
InBIO worldwide
InBIO in the community
Advanced training
Services and technology transfer
Science communication and outreach
Phenotypic Evolution - PHENEVOL
Information also available at
CIBIO´s website